Monday, January 27, 2020
The Concept Of Haccp And Risk Analysis Biology Essay
The Concept Of Haccp And Risk Analysis Biology Essay Food safety is an important issue. The trust of consumers, food safety and quality, and this will be they expected to. Consumers also expect to be able to provide the information; you can help them make informed decisions about the composition of the food, this information, whether it is on the product label or by advertising, not false or misleading. Food safety is a discipline to be describing the handling, preparation and storage food to prevent food borne illnesses. The statistics on food borne illness speak for themselves. Regulatory officials and their management of retail and food service industry must cooperate the other side, if we want to prevent or reduce food borne illness. This Manual was prepared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in partnership with federal, state and local regulatory agencies, industry, academia and consumers, to help you operators of the retail and food service establishments, your efforts to produce safe food. This includes man y routines of that should be followed to prevent potentially severe of the health hazards. In this line of thought is the safety of the track between the industry and the market, between the market and consumers. Considerations in food safety, including consideration of industry market practices, the origin of the food, including on food label, food hygiene and food of the additives, as well as biotechnology and food policies and government import and export management guidelines for food inspection and certification system. Consider the market of consumer behavior, it is usually thought that the food should be on the market should be safe, concern consumer food safe delivery and preparation. 2.0 Answer of Question 1 As a food safety expert, what considerations that needs to advocate to ensure a food safe facility is the steps of receive until serving are the most important part. When you have followed the steps nicely then it can avoid from being affect by bacteria. And if you already follow the steps then it will sure your food will be cleanness and healthier. The steps for the food safe facility are very important. Below retail on common steps, in order to assist in your decision-making, and steps you through the procedures in this document. All of the steps are receiving, storage, preparation, cooking, cooling, reheating, holding and serving. 2.1 Receiving The receiving food safety is an important step. In the receiver, the main concern is the contamination of pathogens, and the formation of harmful toxins. The importance of the proposed control measures in steps are rapidly into cold storage at the proper temperature and food spoilage of food and access to food, food additives and packaging materials from legitimate sources. Ready to eat, potentially hazardous food received special attention. This will not be cooked before the food service, the growth of pathogenic bacteria, refrigerated in this step, the food can be eaten at any time can be considered to be an important risk. Prerequisite programs, in order to control the temperature of the product is generally of the hazard, these products are mostly in the receiving sufficient control. At a suitable temperature, and when it arrives, if there is a potential danger if it is at a temperature of 5Ã °C or below freezing, if it is at a temperature of 60Ã °C or above heat and it is the frozen hard, rather than partially thawed. When this problem happens, then reject potentially dangerous food to pass internal temperature between 5Ã °C and 60Ã °C. Unless the supplier can prove a time segment, in which the food has been at 5Ã °C and 60Ã °C not impair food security. In addition to checking the temperature of the product, you should check the appearance, smell, color and condition of the packaging. 2.2 Storage When the food in refrigerated storage, food safety management system should focus on maintain temperature control to limit the growth of pathogenic bacteria that may be present, in the preparation of food products and store food, such as ready to eat foods, cross-contamination of raw animal foods to prevent. When determining the storage temperature and the frequency of monitoring in refrigeration products, you may decide to set the temperature lower than what is required by local regulations. Set temperature is lower than what your regulatory requirements, the bacteria begin to grow small upward bias temperature detected by frequent monitoring, can be quickly corrected. For example, if you are storing potentially dangerous, ready to eat food under refrigeration, you may decide to set critical limits of the refrigeration unit to run in 38Ã °F. This provides a safety cushion, you have the opportunity to see the trend of more than 41Ã °F and the appropriate corrective measures to inte rvene before the bacteria begin to grow to dangerous levels. Ready to eat food, it is best to check the temperature inside the control procedures. You should assess whether it is realistic and feasible for you to do this depends on your food storage volumes. You can choose your monitoring system based on air temperature refrigeration equipment as a prerequisite for the program. How often you should monitor the air temperature depends on your capacity and the use of refrigeration equipment and the number and type of food stored in the cold storage units. 2.3 Preparation Of all the operational steps, preparation has the greatest variety of activities that should be controlled, monitored, and in some cases, documented. This is impossible, including a summary of the manual covers a variety of menus, the skills of the staff and facilities design, influence the preparation of food. The preparation step may involve a plurality of procedures, including thawing, mixing together ingredients cutting, chopping, slicing, or breading. Preparatory steps, the premise of the program can be developed, to control some of the hazards, and assist in the implementation of food safety management system, to minimize the growth of bacteria and from the staff and equipment contamination. Prepared in small quantities for controlling bacteria growth it because the restriction of the amount of food prepared is an important tool that allows the growth temperature, maintained at the time of food minimized. The pre-planning of the volume of the food and minimize the time for prep aring the desired time the food is in the dangerous temperature region, the steps in this operation. The thawing of the frozen food products to maintain the proper temperature and time management is the primary control, to minimize bacterial growth. Procedures should be in place to reduce the potential for microbial, chemical and physical contamination during thawing. 2.4 Cooking Animal derived food cooking is the most effective steps to reduce or eliminate biological contamination. Cooking time specified to the proper temperature will kill most harmful bacteria and parasites. Therefore, frequent cooking temperature monitoring, it is strongly recommended. You should be determined to ensure that the proper cooking temperature and time to achieve the best system to use. Cooking raw animal foods, special consideration should be given to the time and temperature. In the development of the HACCP plan or prerequisite, it is important to understand the critical limit is a particular product in the cooking steps. For example, security cooking temperature or time for the poultry is 165Ã °F is 15 seconds; 15 seconds with 155Ã °F minced beef is safe cooking temperature. 2.5 Cooling If you want to cook, you intend after cooling and the use of potentially hazardous food, and then you need food cooled to 5Ã °C or lower temperature as quickly as possible. Possible, even if it has been cooked foods cause food poisoning bacteria. These bacteria are able to grow faster cooling time limit or the formation of toxins. Cooling cooked potentially hazardous food, within a period of cooling food are from 60Ã °C 21Ã °C within in two hours and from 21Ã °C to 5Ã °C within a further four hours. This means that you have a cold food for up to six hours, from 60Ã °C to 5Ã °C or below. If you do not know how your food fast cooling, using a probe thermometer to measure the most warm food usually in the center section. Rapid cold food, break it down into smaller parts in shallow containers. Be careful not to contaminate the food when you do so. 2.6 Reheating If the food does not correct the temperature is maintained at a sufficiently long time, the pathogens have the opportunity to breeding dangerous figures. Appropriate reheating provides an important control to eliminate these organisms. Remember although proper reheating will kill most organisms of concern, it does not eliminate the toxins in the body, such as Bacillus cereus food borne viruses produce. Immediate use of any potentially hazardous food has been held between 5Ã °C and 60Ã °C, and more than two hours, but discarded food, has been held more than 5Ã °C and 60Ã °C for 4 hours. 2.7 Holding When cooking process to eliminate the bacteria, the spore-forming bacteria should be destroyed. If not at the proper temperature, without temperature control, held at the appropriate time in the cooked food, the rapid growth of this spore-forming bacterium is a big problem. Keeping food products at 135Ã °F or above during hot holding and keeping food products at or below 41Ã °F is effective in preventing microbial growth. As an alternative, the temperature control details of Food Code action, when used alone as a control, including a comprehensive monitoring and food labeling system to ensure food safety. 2.8 Serving Food before it reaches the customer, which is the last step of the operation. When employees work with food and food contact surfaces, they can easily spread bacteria parasites and viruses. Manage personal hygiene is important to control these hazards. Recommend employees personal health management program, implemented to solve the following proper hand washing procedures, appropriate use of gloves and dispensing utensils and the control bare hand contact with ready to eat food. Specific program recommends that customers self-service displays, such as to protect food from contamination of salad bars and buffets. Special consideration should be given to prevent cross-contamination, contaminated equipment and equipment to minimize pollution customers. 3.0 Conclusion of Question 1 In conclusion, when you cook or have a food then you should follow the steps that mention above. You take positive measures to improve the security you establish food sales. As we know, food is very important for us and it may cause us healthier or death. So that we should follow the steps nicely and make sure that the food is clean and make sure it safe to eat. Bacteria is the most difficult thing to prevent when you want to cook, bacteria will around any place and we cannot feel it or touch it but it can easily make the food become unhealthy. If you follow the steps that mention at above then it sure will help prevent those bacteria and also can easier cook out a healthy food. 1.0 Introduction of Question 2 In order to strengthen food security, food production per stage is from are receiving, storage, preparation, cooking, cooling, reheating, holding and serving strict monitoring should be carried out. Food security has already become important and most of the proprietor or customer will be attach importance to this food security. The HACCP system is a scientific, systematic approach to identify assess and control hazards in the food production process. HACCP system, food safety control integrated design process, rather than relying on the testing of the last product. Therefore, the HACCP system in food safety, it can prevention and cost-effective way. 2.0 Answer of Question 2 The Codex Alimentarius Commission sets out seven principles for the basis of HACCP systems. Applies only to the seven principles of HACCP has completed a preliminary step in the development of the HACCP plan. 2.1 The seven principles of HACCP 2.1.1 Principles 1-Conduct a Hazard Analysis The application of this principle relates to the steps in the listing process and identify significant harm is likely to occur. HACCP team will focus on hazards is to prevent, eliminate or control the HACCP plan. Reported reasons include or exclude the danger, and to determine the possible control measures. 2.1.2 Principles 2-Identify Critical Control Points (CCP) Critical Control Point (CCP) is a point, and it is step or procedure can be applied to control the food safety hazard can be prevented, can be eliminated or can be reduced to an acceptable of a level. HACCP team will use the CCP decision tree to help determine the critical control points in the process. The critical control points can control more than one food safety hazards, or in some cases, it is necessary to control a single dangerous more than one of CCP. CPC needed depends on the number to ensure that the required processing steps and control of food safety. 2.1.3 Principles 3-Establish Critical Limits Critical limits (CL) is a CCP, in order to avoid, eliminate or reduce become an acceptable of a level, biological, chemical or physical parameters of food safety hazards must be controlled at the maximum and or minimum value. Usually a key restriction measures, such as time, temperature, water activity (Aw), pH value, weight, or some other measure is based on the scientific literature and or regulatory standards. 2.1.4 Principles 4-Establish Monitoring Procedures Once you have determined the critical control points and critical limits, need someone to track the critical control point, food flows through operation. Monitoring, including direct observation or measurement of critical control point is under control, insist on the establishment of critical limits. 2.1.5 Principles 5-Establish Corrective Actions Occasional processes or procedures in monitoring critical control points will not be able to comply with the established critical limit. It happens when this step is to establish a plan has not been met in the critical limit to the critical control points. The operator can determine the action of these actions is to convey to the employees, and train them to make the right of the decisions. This preventive are approach to this heart of the HACCP. Problems, but you need to find them, correct them before they lead to illness or injury. 2.1.6 Principles 6-Establish Verification Procedures This principle is to ensure that the system is the science of sound, effective control of hazards. In addition, this step ensures that specified when the system is running according to plan. Specified personal favorite manager regularly observe the activities of staff supervision, calibration equipment and temperature measuring devices, review of records or actions with employees to discuss the program. The purpose of all these activities is to deal with the issue of food security to ensure that the HACCP plan, if not, check to see is it needs to be make it better or modified. 2.1.7 Principles 7-Establish Record Keeping Procedures There are written records or documents needed to verify that systems are still working. This record is usually involved in the HACCP planning and monitoring, corrective action is taken, or calibration records of the operation of the HACCP system in the production. You can also include verification records. Maintenance records, records in the HACCP system is a sustained and effective system is in the place. Record of keeping it should be as simple as possible, so that more staff will have enough time to keep the records. 2.2 Risk Analysis Food safety risk analysis is essential, not only to the production or manufacture of goods and products of the highest quality, to ensure the safety and protection of public health, also in line with international standards and national standards, market regulations. 2.2.1 Risk Assessment The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department adopts the risk analysis framework promulgated by international food safety authorities in controlling food safety. The risk analysis consists of three functions, namely, risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. The risk assessment can control the scientific basis for action. Risk assessment should incorporate the four steps of risk assessment example is hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. Experienced in the risk assessment process, with the food or food ingredient hazard assessment and the potential risks of the population to be evaluated in order to develop appropriate risk management measures and risk communication information to protect public health. 2.2.2 Risk Management The risk assessment and risk communication, risk management is an important part of the risk analysis. This introduces a factor of the process of the successful implementation of the risk management needs. It describes the steps to identify and assess food safety risks, evaluate all available options to manage these risks, implementation of risk management decisions, and to ensure that the decision was the most appropriate. Risk management should take a comprehensive view of possible human health risk management. The process of risk management and decision-making should be transparent and appropriate records for different audiences. The risk management needs of a wide range of communication, coordination and collaboration, risk management and risk assessment, and with external stakeholders. 2.2.3 Risk Communication Therefore, if this is very important, in the end what is a food safety risk communication? While risk communication is a very complex subject, it is very simple in nature. Food safety risk communication is a three-step process, began to conduct a risk assessment, food safety scientists and statisticians part of the assessment of the likelihood of public health risk. The second step is risk management, health officials, scientific experts, food manufacturers and retailers work together to determine exactly what steps you need to ensure public safety. The third step is to risk communication, sharing of information and advice, with the consumption of the general public, and with the other parties in the production and preparation of food, food distribution and sales. From their experience in risk communication, International Food Information Council has developed a set of guidelines to help ensure that the right information reaches stakeholders and consumers, enabling them to make infor med decisions about the food they eat, their security. It is Understand and addresses the public concern and communicates with clarity and sympathy. 3.0 Conclusion of Question 2 Nowadays, food safety has become very important. Most of the proprietor and customer are attach importance to the food safety. Because when restaurant make out the food with not safety and the customer having the stale food then it may cause food poison or more serious it also can cause death. So to avoid this thing happen then HACCP is the better way to help you prevent the bacteria. Those seven principles are very important; all of restaurant, supplier should follow the principles to prevent bacteria and provide a healthy food. And then about risk analysis also one of the important thing for us. So, if you want make food safety then you should follow the steps of HACCP with nicely.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Nutritional needs
Insufficiency leads to Beriberi, Wrinkle-Coworkers syndrome Riboflavin (32) Insufficiency leads to Riboflavin's Intact (83) Peanuts Legumes Enriched grains Insufficiency leads to diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis Cabling (Bal 2) Animal protein Insufficiency leads to pernicious anemia Folic Acid Orange Juice Leafy green vegetables Insufficiency leads to anemia and neural tube defects Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C): wound healing, hormone synthesis Citrus fruits Insufficiency leads to scurvy, bleeding gums Vitamin A: vision, tissue growth, immune, reproductive function Animal foodsFortified milk Insufficiency leads to night blindness, cerographical Vitamin D: calcium and phosphorus metabolism, PATH, kidney Fortified food sources Insufficiency leads to rickets, astronomical Vitamin E: antioxidant, immune Vegetable oil Margarine Insufficiency leads to hemolytic of Orbs Vitamin K: blood clotting Liver Insufficiency leads to hemorrhage Apricots Avocado Bananas Cantaloupes Raw carrots Peas / Dried beans Dried fruits Oranges Potatoes Prune Juice Spinach Tomatoes Winter squash Calcium (also use for kidney stones) Chocolate BeansLentils Canned / smoked fish (except tuna) Flour Cocoa Green leafy vegetables Trainee / Dopamine Restrictions (for people taking Mayo's) Aged Cheese Smoked fish Processed meats FAA beans Soy sauce Purina (gout / uric acid stones) Organ meats Anchovies Sardines Salmon Herring Venison Goose Seafood Oxalate's (kidney stones) Asparagus Beets Celery Cabbage Dark green leafy vegetables Green beans Beer Cola Nuts -area Acid-Ash Foods
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Josephine Baker Biography
Josephine Baker was an American singer, dancer, and actress who rose to fame in France during the Harlem Renaissance: ââ¬Å"a literary and intellectual flowering that fostered a new black cultural identity in the 1920s and 1930sâ⬠(Rowen). Josephine Baker was the first African American female to star in a movie, the only woman to speak during the March on Washington alongside of Martin Luther King Jr. , and the first black international pop icon (Lewis). Jo Baker is best known for, her ââ¬Å"jungle banana danceâ⬠, where she danced naked except for a string of bananas tied around her waist. Born Freda Josephine McDonald, even though they were eventually divorced, Josephine Baker decided to keep the last name of her second husband, Willie Baker. Josephine ran away from home at the age of 13 to pursue her dream of being a famous dancer-singer but didnââ¬â¢t get her big break until she was discovered by director Folies Bergere in Paris. (Lewis) In 1951 at The Stork Club, New York Cityââ¬â¢s most extravagant night club at the time, Josephine was denied service because she was black (Lewis). That was the first time racial inequality directly impacted her. Josephine responded by refusing to entertain in clubs that did not allow blacks, in which several clubs responded with integration. She ââ¬Å"crusaded for racial equalityâ⬠again in 1963 when she spoke alongside of Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington: the largest political rally for African American rights in United States history. Throughout the rest of her life, Josephine did many other things in protest of racial inequality, the most famous being her adoption of 12 multi-ethnic orphans (Gaines). Some say that Josephine started the trend of celebrities (ex: Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock, Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, and Hugh Jackman) adopting multi-ethnic orphans. Josephine has influenced the works of many modern day entertainers. Singer-songwriter Beyonce has given Josephine credit for being the inspiration of many of her performances throughout her career, including her re-make of Josephineââ¬â¢s famous banana dance for a performance of her song Deja Vu in 2006 (Gorgan). And in 2010, R&B recording artist Keri Hilson portrayed Josephine in her single ââ¬Å"Pretty Girl Rockâ⬠. (MacKenzie) Works Cited Rowen, Beth. ââ¬Å"The Great Days in Harlemâ⬠. Infoplease. Pearson Education. N. D. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. Lewis, Jone Johnson. ââ¬Å"Josephine Bakerâ⬠. About. com. About. com. N. D. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. Gaines, Steven. ââ¬Å"Hungry Heartâ⬠. New York Magazine. New York Media LLC. 10 Apr. 2009. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. MacKenzie, Carina Adly. ââ¬Å"Who is Josephine Baker? Meet the Legend who Inspired Keri Hilsonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËPretty Girl Rockââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ . Zap2it. Tribune Media Services. 21 Nov. 2010. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. Gorgan, Elena. ââ¬Å"Going Bananas for Beyonce! â⬠. SoftPedia. SoftNews Net SRL. 11 Sept. 2006. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. Criner, Lowe. ââ¬Å"Josephinw Bakerâ⬠. Plaza. Plaza Edu. N. D. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. ââ¬Å"Josephine Baker ââ¬â Breezinââ¬â¢ Along With the Breezeâ⬠. Youtube. Youtube. 7 Aug 2010. Web, 19 Dec. 2011. ââ¬Å"Josephine Baker ââ¬â Breezinââ¬â¢ Along With the Breeze Lyricsâ⬠. ST Lyrics. STLyrics. com. N. D. Web, 19 Dec. 2011.
Friday, January 3, 2020
African-American History from 1950 to 1959
From the Brown vs. Board of Education decision to the murder of Emmitt Till and the dawn of the Civil Rights movement, these are the pivotal historical events in African-American history that occurred in the decade spanning 1950 through 1959. 1950 Ralph Bunche wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his ability to mediate the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.Gwendolyn Brooks receives the Pulitzer Prize in poetry. She is the first African-American to receive such a distinction.Chuck Cooper, Nathaniel Clifton, and Earl Lloyd become the first African-Americans to play for the National Basketball Association.Juanita Hall becomes the first African-American to win a Tony Award for her portrayal of Bloody Mary in South Pacific. 1951 Racial segregation in Washington D.C. restaurants is declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.An estimated 3500 whites try to keep an African-American family from moving into an apartment building in Cicero. As a result, Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson calls the stateââ¬â¢s national guard to protect the family.Florida NAACP official Harry T. Moore is killed by a bomb.Johnson Publishing Company prints its first issue of Jet. 1952 For the first time in more than 70 years, the Tuskegee Institute finds that there are no lynchings reported in the United States.Writer Ralph Ellison publishes Invisible Man. 1953 In June, African-American residents of Baton Rouge establish a boycott of the cityââ¬â¢s segregated transportation system.James Baldwin publishes his first novel, Go Tell It On The Mountain. Willie Thrower joins the Chicago Bears and becomes the first African-American quarterback in the National Football League (NFL). 1954 The U.S. Supreme Court declares segregation in public schools unconstitutional in the Brown v. Board of Education case.Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. is the first African-American to be appointed as an Air Force general after serving in the Korean War.Malcolm X becomes Minister of the Nation of Islamââ¬â¢s Temple No. 7 in New York City.à Frankie Muse Freeman becomes the first African-American woman to win a major civil rights case after serving as the lead attorney for the NAACP in the Davis et al. v. the St. Louis Housing Authority case. The ruling ended racial discrimination in public housing in St. Louis. 1955 While visiting family in Money, Miss., 14-year-old Chicagoan Emmett Tillà is killed by white men.Rock n roll artist Chuck Berry records the hit song Maybellene with Chess Records.Rosa Parks is arrested after refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery Bus to a white patron.Marian Anderson is the first African-American to perform with the Metropolitan Opera.Martin Luther King Jr. is elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. The organization leads a year-long boycott against Montgomeryââ¬â¢s segregated transportation system. 1956 Nat King Cole becomes the first African-American to host a primetime show on national television.Harry Belafonteââ¬â¢s album Calypso is the first record to sell more than one million copies.The U.S. Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s ruling in the Gayle v. Browder case declares it is unconstitutional to segregate transportation on intrastate travel. This ruling supports those participating in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. 1957 Congress establishes the Civil Rights Act of 1957. This is the first legislative act protecting the rights of African-Americans since the Reconstruction period by establishing the Civil Rights section of the Justice Department. Federal prosecutors are now able to get court injunctions against those who interfere with the right to vote. Under this act, the Federal Civil Rights Commission is also established.Dorothy Irene Height is elected president of the National Council of Negro Women. Height holds this position for 41 years.Federal troops are sent to Little Rock, Ark by Dwight Eisenhower to enforce the desegregation of Central High School. The troops are also instructed to protect nine African-American students who are enrolled in the school and remain for the entire academic year.The Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR) was established in Birmingham.Perry H. Young becomes the first African-American pilot of a commercial passenger airline. 1958 The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is established in Atlanta. King is appointed as the organizationââ¬â¢s first president.The Alvin Ailey Dance Theater is founded in New York City.Louis E. Lomax is hired by WNTA-TV in New York City. Lomax is the first African-American newscaster for a major network station.Althea Gibson is the first African-American woman to win the U.S. Open Championship. 1959 Motown Records is formed by Berry Gordy Jr. in Detroit.Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis recordsà Kind of Blue.à The work is considered Davis masterpiece.à A Raisin in the Sun, a play written by Lorraine Hansberry opens on Broadway. The play is the first to be produced by an African-American woman on Broadway.Three days before he is scheduled to stand trial for raping a pregnant white woman, Mack Charles Parker is beaten by a mob in his jail cell. Parker is lynched near Poplarville, Miss.
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